1-abc.net Backup 1.10
Make incremental backups that let you save to your hard drive, USB device, external disc, etc.
One of the biggest fears of any PC user is losing, for whatever reason, important data that is stored in it. To avoid this, it is always a good idea to make backups, by using something like 1-abc.net Backup.
From 1-abc.net Backup you can do those backups easily, of videos, documents, photos, etc. You just need to indicate the folder or file you want to copy. You can also make incremental backups, and automate them so they are always run at a set time (or even every few minutes).
The backups done by 1-abc.net Backup are not only saved to your hard drive, but also, if you want, to a USB device, diskette, external drive, etc.